Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Whoa! Think you know where your organic food is coming from?


And you thought your organic snack was coming a from a quaint little family farm? Think again.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Common Cold?

Most of us have been brought up in believing that a cold is caused by catching a germ or bacteria. So, of course you must wash with antibiotic soaps, get a vaccine and stay away from public places. And if you do happen to catch a cold, rush to the pharmacy for some antibiotic drugs as soon as possible.
This is the myth we've grown to love, when in reality a cold is triggered by a virus.
And even though the cold is triggered by a virus, don't blame the virus. The virus is not the cause of the cold.
Granting even the virus credit for causing the cold is putting outside forces in charge of your health, when the real cause of ill-health begins with your own body.
What is the real cause of colds?
Simply put, your immune system is not working the way it was designed to work. A cold develops only when your immune system is not functioning at its' healthiest potential and allows the virus inside.
There are so many ways that your immune system can be weakened. Some of the major factors are:
1. Excessive consumption of sugars and grains
2. Sleep and rest deprivation
3. Emotional Stress
First off, avoid colds by choosing healthy eating habits. If you're feeling under the weather, stay away from sugar! Sugars and grains are suppressant to the health of your immune system.
Get plenty of rest. Sleep is when the body has a chance to repair itself and recharge for battle.
Don’t stress yourself out. It’s the American way to run one’s self ragged, physically and emotionally. Take it easy.
Also, don't underestimate the power of simple hand washing. When your immune system is strong your body will fight off the virus regardless of whether it enters your body or not. But washing your hands provides extra protection and prevention. Avoid using anti-bacterial soaps when washing your hands. Antibacterial soaps kill much of the beneficial bacteria that normally live on your skin.
Your immune system is a major factor in your body’s well being.
Take care of your body and keep yourself tuned up, or a cold might decide to pay you a little visit this season.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Is Organic really better?

It’s a new phase in America.
Mankind constantly boasts of its amazing abilities and of our advances in science and technology. It shouts “Look at us” “Look how smart we have become”! Cell phones, Ipods, Playstations… the world is a much different place than it was 50 years ago. We as a human race have come a long way. Among other things, we also claim to have come a long way in the heath and nutrition spectrum. We have invented more pharmaceutical drugs than ever before, and have created more vaccines than ever before. And have conjured up more weight loss solutions than ever before. We have moved a long way.
But frankly sometimes it seems that we are moving in the wrong nutritional direction.

Never before in America have we consumed as much food as we do now.
Or, shall I rephrase that, never before in America have we consumed as much “food” as we do now. Notice the difference? Eating “foods” high in sugars, fats and loaded with chemicals with no apparent health benefit has become an American lifestyle for many, if not most, Americans. And yet in the midst of the “food” epidemic there is a growing resistance. Some people have considered the big picture. They have seen the effect that “food” is having on our bodies and our entire lives, and have chose to do something about it. A growing number of people are choosing alternatives to “food” and turning to organic. Why?
Because. It is a new millennium. Mankind is becoming smarter. And choosing organic is a smart thing to do. And people are finally studying the health affects of our food.

The European-Union-funded 25 million dollar study[1] into organic food compared organic foods to conventional and found amazing results.
The study found that organic fruit and vegetables contain up to 40 percent more antioxidants than conventional produce.
Organic produce was found to have higher levels of beneficial minerals like iron and zinc. And milk from organic herds contained up to 90 percent more antioxidants than conventional milk.

Another study, the 2003 study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry found that organic foods are better for fighting cancer.
In 2005 scientists studied groups of rats. One group being fed a conventional diet, the other group eating organic foods. The organically fed rats experienced greater health and benefits than the conventionally fed rats, such as:
-Improved immune system status
-Better sleeping habits
-Less weight and were slimmer than rats fed other diets
-Higher vitamin E content in their blood (for organically fed rats)

Not only can we see the health benefits coming from consuming organic foods.
But there are many benefits organic has to offer to our environment.
Buying, consuming and producing organic foods helps to keep toxicity out of our air, soil and water supplies. It provides a less toxic environment for every living thing.

We’ve come full circle now and are beginning to realize the health crisis we’ve gotten ourselves into. Now we are trying to reverse it by choosing a healthier alternative.
To me, there is no doubt why people are beginning to choose organic foods over conventional foods, simply put, it is better. Better for you, better for your environment and better for our future.

[1] http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article2753446.ece

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Good article


An amazing article about the dangers of plastic. Read this! I've never even thought about it before.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Your Kids On Drugs

Stay away from Children’s Cold Medication

There have not been many instances where I could say I’ve totally and completely supported a decision made by the FDA. But the recent decisions regarding children’s cold medication could help the littlest of us.
Last week the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that a ban should be in effect for Young Children’s and Infant’s cold medication. The ban would apply to the use of decongestants for children under the age of two, and also ban the use of antihistamines for children under the age of six. To me, this is incredible news! Following are a few of the reasons the FDA has brought this issue up to the table.

The medications in question do nothing to truly improve the child’s health.
The FDA advisory panel that met last Friday and found that there has been no proof that cold medications aimed toward young children are effective. Dr. Daniel Rausch, director of the pediatric hospitalist program for New York University, said that cold medicine is only effective at doses that are too strong for young children. Even at a higher dosage cold medicine is only a “cover-up” for the real problem at hand. The American College of Chest Physicians even recommended eliminating the use of cough suppressants for kids under the age of 14.

Giving your child cold medication is potentially dangerous.
While the panel said that the medications have not been proven to be effective, they also found that there have been reports of the medications causing serious harm.
“These products only suppress symptoms; they do not cure coughs or colds. The ban has been proposed because these products can have serious side effects. Over 100 deaths of children have been attributed to these drugs.” Barry Brownstein, professor of economics and leadership at the University Of Baltimore. [1]
The FDA said Friday it had 54 reports of deaths in children linked to decongestants containing the ingredients pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine and ephedrine from 1969 to Sept. 13, 2006, and 69 reports of deaths linked to antihistamines with the ingredients diphenhydramine, brompheniramine and chlorpheniramine.

Buying cold medication for your child is supporting Big Pharma.
And lastly, why would we want to support the companies marketing these products?
Their obvious disdain for children’s health does not make me want to run out and spend my money for their profit. That is what it is all about, making money. And now the FDA is considering whether to ban the marketing of drugs for use in children.
The panel also voted to urge the FDA to ban the use of phrases like "doctor-recommended" on cough medicine packaging.
"I think from this day forward it has no credibility," said Marsha D. Rappley, MD, chairwoman of the FDA's Pediatric Advisory Committee. "And if it is used, it is to mislead people." [2]

Next time your child has a cold, consider your alternative options rather than immediately reaching for the Tylenol.

[1] http://givingupcontrol.wordpress.com
[2] MedicineNet.com http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=84678

Organic Potato Chips!

Welcome! Organic potato chips is my blog where I'll be posting my writings and findings about health, nutrition, drugs and the government. All topics that I feel very strongly about and strive to do my best to only write the truth about them. My articles are based on facts and the truth is my ultimate goal. So, I sincerely hope you gather some potentially life changing information from these articles. And also that you will realize what good nutrition is so that you may live life amazingly. feel free to comment and ask any questions and I will try to find the answers to the best of my ability.
Thanks for reading.